Debate Committee

The Debate Committee 2023/2024
From left to right: Ramun Seglias, Eszter Nagy, Tom Velseboer, Eva Petrus, David Medgyesi, Jakob Vonk
The Debate Committee consists of a Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Commissioner of External Affairs and a Commissioner of General Affairs.
The Debate Committee is tasked with organising the SESMUN, which is just like the Conference, one of the biggest and most important academic events of the year. The SESMUN is a long event that requires a lot of preparation and an ability to improvise with a certain level of professionality and seriousness. The Debate Committee is best suited for people who have a background in debating and organising an MUN, but it is by no means a requirement and is also a perfect opportunity for debate beginners who wish to learn and have some fun debating.
If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, do not hesitate to apply for the Debate Committee!