Eurovisie is SES' very own magazine. It is issued four times a year, three regular ones and one conference edition. Eurovisie is a platform for students to write articles about current European issues and topics. It also informs you about the upcoming SES-activities. It is important that you have a passion for writing and would like to contribute to the magazine, but we do not expect you to have any previous experience. You can have a background in each and any Major of European Studies! Eurovisie is an opportunity for you to learn and improve your skills, so don't hesitate to become part of this committee. We are looking forward to receiving your application!
You can apply for Eurovisie by sending an email to eurovisie@ses-uva.nl. if you want to become part of this committee, you can always decide to join Eurovisie during the year if you'd like, or just submit one article in one edition.
You can read our latest publication here, if you want to check out our website click here!
The committee consists of an editor-in-chief, several editors and a designer.